Sunday, November 1, 2009

MOvember at Starfish & The Ceili Cottage

Hello Boys and Girls. This is the month of MOvember, and the crew at The Ceili Cottage, and Starfish are going to participate!!
What is MOvember you ask? Great question, MOvember is an awareness, and fundraiser campaign for the month of November, gents are asked to grow a moustache to promote Prostate Cancer awareness. There are fundraiser parties you can attend, or you can donate at the website - , or just grow a moustache just for fun!!

I will be growing (with great difficulty) a "freestyle" MO, I'm calling the full-on ClownShow. Come on down and see for yourself, and feel free to comment - for $1 - you can try to make me cry with your comments - it all goes into the pot.

MOnday, MOvember 30th, The Ceili Cottage will be hosting the final MOvember Party, DJ MVP, MOustache rides, prizes for best MO (ladies included - be creative) and Oysters for Donations - $1.00/oyster will be donated to the cause. Pencil it in, and start growing!

Shuckingly yours, Paddy